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RDT Reviews Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Big spoilers here…I mean you probably aren’t going to see it if you haven’t already…

Somewhere inside Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a great film. While apparently a four hour cut, the two and a half remaining hours still feels rather challenging to get through. It’s a shame that this is the case as when this film hits its peaks, it hits them amazingly. Some of the scenes in this film are A+ material no doubt. But unfortunately there are a lot of F scenes in there too. I want to get to the performances before the actual plot as there’s a lot to digest here.

I’m pretty sure Snyder wanted to make just a Batman film. Most of the Batman/Bruce Wayne stuff is tremendous. I rolled my eyes that again we were going to have to see Bruce Wayne’s parents murdered, but the scene is done so well that despite seeing some version of it probably ten times by now it still stood out. After that Ben Affleck absolutely owns the role, giving us the perfect Bruce Wayne and a sinister, blood thirsty Batman. Affleck’s great at changing gears here. He effortlessly switches from the super serious detective one moment to suddenly joking around that he “had one martini too many”. Affleck is the best live action Batman and the best live action Bruce Wayne. As a result I have high hopes for the stand alone Batman film coming out in the future. I should also point out that the Batman fight scene that felt like it was lifted straight from the Arkham Series of games is the best cinematic Batman sequence ever.

Wonder Woman also delivers. There was tons of skepticism regarding Gal Gadot but she nailed the role. She steals almost every scene she’s in and when she finally gets into the battle she’s awesome. She also has good chemistry with Affleck’s Bruce Wayne (so much that again, this was probably a lot better off as a Batman film featuring Wonder Woman) and I am excited to see how the Wonder Woman film plays out. But Gadot is a huge positive here.

Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor is interesting. I dreaded seeing Eisenberg in the trailer as he felt like a Batman Forever Riddler and at times his character does feel that way. Other times it feels like a homeless man’s Heath Ledger Joker, which also doesn’t work. But there are scenes where his character was thought provoking and creepy which is a nice new direction to take Lex Luthor in. Luthor would have been lost in the background had he been a serious character like everyone else. Instead a chance was taken. Sometimes it worked well (like when he’s in his home speaking with Senator Finch), sometimes it didn’t (like his rooftop scenes with Lois Lane and Superman) and sometimes it was downright awful (his speech or the end). I do think he did a better job than he’s been given credit for.

Now let’s get to one of the big problems here. Lois Lane and Superman are awful in this film. And unfortunately they’re both in it a lot. In Amy Adams’ case I don’t feel like it’s really her fault. The Lois Lane story arc here just doesn’t work. While I get where they were going with whole desert framing Superman deal it really wasn’t well done and I couldn’t have cared less about Lois’ adventure trying to prove Superman’s innocence. There’s also some cringe worthy moments from Lane as well. “I’m not a woman I’m a reporter” was a pretty awful line despite the empowering effect it was supposed to have. Superman is practically lifeless here and has exactly one good moment, which is when he takes Doomsday into space. Everything else is rage that I don’t completely buy, him shaking his head despite atrocities, or Clark Kent complaining about the Bat Vigilante. While perhaps I felt bad about his death, it feels like such a wasted moment. Superman’s death is supposed to be something that every hero in the history of DC was supposed to mourn. Here, it’s a rushed moment that only Batman and Wonder Woman experience. Adding to that, Wonder Woman and Superman don’t even have an interaction together, so while I’m sure she was upset at his death it’s not as if there’s a heavy emotional feeling to have here. What a mess.

Speaking of Superman’s death, Doomsday was horrible. Whoever had the idea that the DNA of Lex Luthor and General Zod should create Doomsday needs to stay away from all comic books films forever (assuming it was Snyder). While admittedly it was always going to be difficult to match the greatness of Batman’s rogues gallery, horrific portrayals of Superman’s isn’t going to help. The effect was laughable. At least there were two good moments here: Superman taking Doomsday to space and Wonder Woman showing up. Still, what a waste.

There’s some small other plusses here: Jeremy Irons as Alfred is great, Senator Finch is good and some of the Superman imagery is cool (like when he saves the girl during the Night of the Dead celebration). But going on with the ongoing theme of there being a lot of positives and negatives, Mercy Graves (and probably Jimmy Olsen) is absolutely wasted here. Why would Lex want her dead anyway?! I didn’t even get into Batman’s dream sequences. There’s just too much going on here.

Be prepared for a lengthy pro-con list.


+Ben Affleck is great as Wayne/Batman.

+Batman vs. Superman fight is pretty good.

+Pretty much all things Batman here are incredible. The Arkham inspired fight scene is my favorite live action Batman scene ever.

+Gal Gadot steals every scene she’s in.

+Justice League cameos are cool.

+Jeremy Irons is a great choice for Alfred.

+Good references to comic book stuff, especially The Dark Knight Returns.

+The themes are pretty solid, just not explored enough.


-Plot is all over the place. Even once you understand it, it doesn’t always make sense.

-While I liked Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor in some moments, this is still overall a negative because the bad is awful.

-Mercy Graves is completely wasted here.

-As everyone’s said so far, the film just isn’t fun.

-Some awful references to comic book stuff, like the Death of Superman.

-All things Lois Lane.

-Almost all things Superman and his motivations here don’t work.


-Doomsday again.

I’m going to give this a better grade than most have. The reason being that the Batman stuff is awesome. Not just good, but awesome. I can get through some of this bad Superman stuff as long as I get my Batman (and Wonder Woman) action. It’s enough for me. Still, if you told me Batman v Superman would have to settle for a grade and not be an automatic A, I would consider that a disappointment.

Grade: B