RDT Reviews the 1997 WWF Royal Rumble

1997 WWF Royal Rumble
January 19, 1997
San Antonio, TX

Let’s be clear, the WWF was in trouble.

While things seemed bad in the latter half of 1996 ratings wise, it only got worse when Bret Hart returned to the WWF. It wasn’t Bret’s fault as he instantly became an entertaining top guy on the show once again. The issue was ratings didn’t jump the way Vince McMahon expected them to with Bret’s return. WCW was still kicking the WWF’s ass in the ratings. Vince began changing things up at Survivor Series. Stone Cold Steve Austin looked like he had some potential after a great match with Bret at Survivor Series and was seemingly in line for a push. Also, Sycho Sid had won the WWF Title from Shawn Michaels at the same show.

Sycho Sid will always have an interesting place in pro wrestling history. On one hand he was a big star who main evented two Wrestlemanias (with Hulk Hogan and Undertaker no less) and a Starrcade. He had a monster look and sometimes had really good promo skills (and sometimes not). But the fact of the matter is he often never drew big money as a top guy. His run in the WWF in ’92 didn’t help the company. Same for his run in ’95. We just talked about how WWF was in trouble with him on top in ’96-’97. His WCW runs didn’t help either as he didn’t draw in ’93 and did nothing to help WCW in 1999 and 2000. The truth is Sid was probably a little too late for his time. Had he became a big star in the late 80s, he could have drawn huge money with Hogan. 1992 was too late.

Shawn Michaels had also been a questionable draw, although I blame how he was booked in 1996. Fans wanted the cocky, arrogant Shawn of ’94-’95. Not the good guy who had his old trainer in his corner. Shawn helped turn the company around big time in 1997 when he turned heel. It’s a shame his back went out before he could really enjoy it.

Nonetheless, this Rumble on paper could have been huge. Vince had apparently decided that the WWF could still sell out a huge stadium (which they didn’t, they had to paper it big time) with a Royal Rumble match and hometown Shawn’s return title match against Sid. Would this spark the turn around the WWF needed in 1997?

The Card

One thing I’ll always remember in 1997 are the black and white promos. A lot of those were awesome, especially Summerslam ‘97’s.

I don’t necessarily care for the “Shawn Michaels” has grown up story either. Aren’t you saying he wasn’t a man before Survivor Series then?

Intercontinental Championship
Goldust vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley©

Storyline here is that HHH made a pass at Marlena, which led to a face turn that honestly ended the peak of Goldust. Such an awesome heel became a lukewarm babyface. (Interestingly, the opposite happened with Mankind).

I totally forgot about Mr. Hughes coming back here as HHH’s butler. That didn’t last long.

Goldust just slams the steps on HHH’s back. I know the steel steps is usually a questionable object in regards to DQs…but that should be a DQ.

The psychology of the match seems to revolve around using the steel steps, which is odd.

Also what’s not working in this match is the contrast in styles. As a face Goldust is just wrestling a too slow paced of a style and it’s leading to a boring match.

We get a mid-match interview with some country singer. The heck?

HHH retains by pin in 16:50. Hughes slides in the IC Title and distracts the ref, but Marlena gets onto the apron. HHH kisses Marlena, but Goldust gets the IC belt and nails HHH. Hughes pulls HHH out of potential pin, then distracts the ref again. Goldust shoves a cigar in his eye…but then gets Pedigreed for the HHH win. Really boring 17 minutes here. Hughes wouldn’t last much longer either as Chyna would debut soon.

Ahmed Johnson vs. Faarooq

In another situation that killed the overness of someone who was hot in 1996, Ahmed Johnson got his kidney attacked by Faarooq. This was Ahmed’s comeback. Faarooq already went through a gimmick change while Ahmed was out (from Spartacus to leader of the Nation of Domination).

We get a brawl for a few minutes with Faarooq taking control and focusing on the kidney.

Faarooq flying off the top into an Ahmed Johnson powerslam was an unexpectedly good spot.

Ahmed Johnson wins by DQ in 8:48.. Ahmed gets the upper hand and the Nation runs in for the DQ. Other than the powerslam, this was pretty bad. The aftermath is pretty cool though as Ahmed Pearl River Plunges a random Nation member through a table. Still, this feud pretty much ruined Ahmed Johnson’s career. He would never get out of it, battling them all throughout 1997 (and joining once), then leaving the WWF in February ’98.

The Undertaker vs. Vader

The story here mostly revolves around Jim Cornette as he was on the verge of losing Vader as a client. Undertaker had also Tombstoned Cornette.

This is one of those matches that doesn’t make a lot of logical sense. Why would Taker and Vader go at it right before the Royal Rumble? It’s not like there’s a title on the line or anything, and they’re both in.

JR mentions Undertaker hasn’t done well at the Royal Rumble since his first one in 1993. Pretty sure he was in the 1991 and 1992 ones. He’s also only 1-2 at the Rumble in singles matches and one of those losses was by DQ.

Vader being surprised that Undertaker sat up from a few early knock downs is stupid.

Undertaker throws a Rocker Dropper out there which is pretty awesome.

Match really slows down when Vader takes control. We get some restholds.

Vader off the turnbuckles and Undertaker powerslams him mid jump! Wow! Tops the spot from the Ahmed-Faarooq match.

Undertaker sits-up from a Vader Powerbomb. Thing’s never been the same since Hogan got up from it.

Paul Bearer shows up as Undertaker chokeslams Vader.

Undertaker tries some crazy jump off the stairs onto Vader and the railing, but Bearer moves Vader.

Vader pins Undertaker in 13:19. Bearer nails Taker in the head with the urn and Vader drops the Vader Bomb for the win. Finish really seemed messy once Bearer showed up and the crowd surprisingly wasn’t really into it. Vader needed to win too after the problem with Shawn at Summerslam and never getting a big win after that. Match overall was okay, but they’d have a much better match at the Canadian Stampede six months later. Bearer leaves with Vader, and Undertaker chokeslams a referee.

The British Bulldog is going to win the Rumble because “HE’S BIZARRE!” Always makes me laugh.

Hector Garza, Perro Aguayo and Canek vs. Jerry Estrada, Heavy Metal and Fuerza Guerrera

This was done to draw tickets in San Antonio since it was so close to Mexico. I get Vince is trying to keep up with WCW here, but this wasn’t even close.

Aguayo pins Metal in 10:56. Double foot stomp and an elbow wins. Aguayo barely even hits the stomp. This was awful and the crowd didn’t care one bit (and I think pop at the end because they’re glad it’s over). Just a bunch of moves for 10 minutes and not exciting ones at that. Even Vince sounded bored.

Royal Rumble

I think the smart money was on Bret Hart here.

Finkel tell s us 60K people are in the house. Only about 40K paid though.

Crush is #1 and Ahmed Johnson is #2 to continue the Nation-Ahmed rivalry.

So the clock and music isn’t working, so the Fake Razor Ramon is #3. Ahmed gets rid of him quickly. What a horrible gimmick that was.

Faarooq comes down and Ahmed jumps over the top rope and eliminated himself. #4 is Phineas Godwinn.

Stone Cold is #5 and gets a bit of a pop. While he was getting higher up the card, he wasn’t anything resembling a favorite.

PIG gets rid of Crush…but he also gets a Stunner and Austin’s alone.

#6 is Bart Gunn. Bart botches a rocker dropper…and Austin gets rid of him quickly. Austin does some push-ups to get some heat.

Jake “The Snake” is next at #7!

Jake dominates Austin, but when he goes for the DDT Austin dumps him. Great start for Stone Cold as The British Bulldog makes his way down at #8. Bulldog kicks Austin’s ass and ends his dominance.

#9 is Pierroth from AAA. There are a few Mexican stars in this one.

The Sultan is #10. He’d run Stone Cold down nearly three years later!

#11 is Mil Mascaras. He gets a bit of a pop. He already blows a belly to belly from the Sultan. For the record I hate Mascaras after reading about him in Mick Foley’s book. You see a lot of Mascaras’ selfish tendencies in this Rumble alone.

#12 is HHH. Bulldog takes out the Sultan.

#13 is Owen Hart. He eliminates his teammate Bulldog which was the start of an angle that never really went off when the Hart Foundation came together.

#14 is Goldust and he tries to go for HHH…but Austin cuts him off.

Mascaras pulls Austin’s ears from his head…which is unique I guess.

#15 is Cibernetico, another AAA star.

#16 is Marc Mero.

Cibernetico gets eliminated off-screen by Mascaras I think. Mascaras then takes out Pierroth too. Mascaras, showing he doesn’t even need to job in the Rumble, goes to the top rope and dives onto Pierroth on the floor, eliminating himself. Can’t say I’m surprised. Fans boo too, as Mascaras was a legend somehow.

Goldust takes out HHH, revenge for earlier.

Latin Lover is #17. With one superkick he is already the best Mexican in this thing.

Owen takes out Goldust. Not surprised HHH and Goldust got short runs considering they wrestled earlier.

Faarooq is #18 and he takes out the Latin Lover. Ahmed Johnson runs in and chases Faarooq off over the top rope. Huge pop for that too!

Owen tries to get Mero out…and Austin dumps them both! Austin’s alone again as Savio Vega comes in.

Austin gets beat up…but again gets an elimination anyway as he takes out Vega! Austin is all alone again.

Double J Jesse James is #20. Austin makes quick work of him and he’s gone.

One of the greatest moments in Rumble history here: #21 is Bret Hart and the look on Austin’s face is an absolute classic. Fans have finally gotten into it and Bret and Austin go at it!

Another great moment. Jerry Lawler is #22…and he starts a sentence, gets knocked over the top rope by Bret…then finishes the sentence! Great stuff.

Fake Diesel is #23. JR still tries to put him over, although as not as badly as he tried at Survivor Series.

Terry Funk is #24 and he jumps the gun. It’s interesting to see where these four men would be by the end of the year. Funk spent most of ’97 as ECW World Champion, Bret was in WCW, Austin was just about to become the biggest star in the WWF and Diesel would be Kane.

Funk with an awful piledriver on Bret.

To add to the interesting people in the Rumble…#25 is Rocky Maivia. Of course, he would become 1b. to Austin in biggest WWF star within a couple years.

Mankind comes in at #26. Just loads of potential here with two legends Hart and Funk.

I like how Funk and Mankind go at it. This seemed like a nod to smarks looking back at it.

#27 is Flash Funk. Here’s another gimmick that just didn’t make it.

#28 is Vader. No surprise with the late number. Taker hasn’t even come out yet.

Henry Godwinn is #29.

Undertaker is #30 and the lights even go out for his entrance.

Taker levels Vader and again the crowd gets into it.

Vader fall away slams Flash over the top for a pretty great elimination.

Lawler on commentary is great. He’s nearly euphoric as Rocky nearly gets Bret Hart out.

Undertaker takes out Godwinn. That leaves Mankind, Taker, Bret, Austin, Rocky, Vader, Diesel and Terry Funk. Quite the mix of legends and future stars here.

Mankind Mandible Claws Rocky out.

Stone Cold Steve Austin wins in 50:29. Mankind gets rid of Funk and Taker boots Mankind off the apron. Funk and Mankind go at it on the outside and Bret eliminates Austin to a huge pop. Refs don’t see it…and Austin comes back in and takes out Vader and Taker. Bret takes out Diesel and Austin dumps Bret to win in what may be one of the best Royal Rumble finishes ever. Bret is irate (2nd time a top babyface attacks a referee tonight) and asks Vince what he’s going to do about it, which is a bit of a worked-shoot as Vince was still seen as the commentator here. This would fit perfectly with Bret’s rivalry with Austin and upcoming heel turn. Bret Hart was on fire in 1997 all the way through Summerslam and this was no exception.

The match itself was good but not great. The beginning was pretty slow, but Austin’s presence really made for a good Rumble. His story of not only being the guy who came in at #5 to win at the end but also the guy who’ll do anything to win was a great one. Sometimes the action around Austin was pretty slow, especially in the middle. But everything from Austin taking out Owen and Mero to the end was pretty good. I thought King of the Ring ’96 was a star making performance from Austin. This was a star confirming performance. Crowd popped too when Austin won.

WWF Championship
Sycho Sid© vs. Shawn Michaels

Sid beat Shawn for the title at Survivor Series. Of course, this is where Shawn “grew up” by tending to Jose Lothario as opposed to trying to win the title. Still don’t like that storyline.

Shawn was allegedly sick as a dog for this as well.

We start off pretty fast but it doesn’t take long for Sid to take over and slow things down with a barehug and a chinlock.

Shawn’s comeback is pretty great. Awesome bodyslam on Sid.

Sid powerbombs HBK on the outside. While it didn’t look great, it still did the job.

Jose and Pete Lothario try to attack Sid and Sid grabs both by the throat. For some reason Shawn has gotten up quickly from the powerbomb so Sid has to let go.

Ref bump and Sid gets a chokeslam. HBK is out…but there’s no count of course. Interesting spot to do there.

In a great piece of symmetry from their Survivor Series match, HBK nails Sid with a TV camera twice.

Shawn Michaels regains the title at 13:49. Superkick finishes Sid off. Decent main event that was pretty slow, but picked up at the end. The finish was brilliant. I did like their Survivor Series match better though. Randomly, Bret Hart gave Shawn a lot of credit for this match, saying he did such an awesome job against Sid and a better job than he ever could. This is the only time I really buy the Jose Lothario deal too, since this is HBK’s hometown.

The 1997 Royal Rumble PPV is a show that’s greater than the sum of its parts. None of the short-term plans went off at all. Bret was supposed to get the title shot back at the February PPV and face Shawn at Wrestlemania. Of course, Shawn would vacate the title instead with the infamous “Lost My Smile” promo. Bret would win the title for a night, then Sid would win it so he could face Undertaker at Mania and Bret could continue his feud with Austin. Shawn would come back in May and his problems with Bret led to the Montreal Screwjob.

Yet, Shawn’s victory, Austin’s rise and Bret’s hint at a heel turn (even if it wasn’t even decided yet) all were major storylines that went off well. Austin’s star confirming performance was absolutely fantastic. Also, interestingly the 1997 Royal Rumble provides a snapshot of current stars and future stars, as well as guys who really couldn’t get to the next level. It saw established guys like Bret and Undertaker. It saw future stars like Austin, Rock, HHH and Kane. It saw guys who unfortunately never could get over the hump in one way or another with Vader, Ahmed Johnson and Marc Mero. It saw legends like Terry Funk and Jake The Snake. Yeah, it’s not a great Rumble…but it definitely worked.

Now only if the undercard was any good.

Final Grade: B

NFL 2016 Playoff Predictions! Wildcard Round (And A Look Back At the Season Predictions)

Let’s look back at our Season Predictions to see how we did! Actual records are in parentheses.

NFC East

Giants: 11-5 (6-10)
Cowboys: 10-6 (4-12)
Eagles 9-7 (7-9)
Redskins 6-10 (9-7)

Man was this division bad. Washington actually pulled it off at 9-7. Tony Romo got hurt and that was that for Dallas, and Tom Coughlin and Chip Kelly lost their jobs.

NFC North

Vikings: 11-5 (11-5)
Packers: 11-5 (10-6)
Lions: 8-8 (7-9)
Bears: 7-9 (6-10)

Pretty much nailed this division as I was only a game off with Green Bay, Detroit and Chicago (but we got the order correct). I knew Minnesota would be better.

NFC South

Panthers: 10-6 (15-1)
Saints: 8-8 (7-9)
Falcons: 7-9 (8-8)
Buccaneers: 4-12 (6-10)

Close with this one too, although Carolina did a lot better than 10-6. Atlanta started super hot then did as the Falcons do and faded when it mattered.

NFC West

Seahawks: 12-4 (10-6)
Rams: 6-10 (7-9)
Cardinals: 5-11 (13-3)
49ers: 4-12 (5-11)

Carson Palmer at 35 returned from his injured ACL as a MVP candidate, so I really missed there. Everything else played out normally.

AFC East

Patriots: 12-4 (12-4)
Bills: 9-7 (8-8)
Dolphins: 7-9 (6-10)
Jets: 6-10 (10-6)

Perhaps I should have had more confidence in my Jets despite that they blew a playoff opportunity at the end. Despite the good records this division feels weaker that it looks.

AFC North

Ravens: 11-5 (5-11)
Steelers: 9-7 (10-6)
Bengals: 6-10 (12-4)
Browns: 3-13 (3-13)

Really underrated the Bengals here. I thought they’d fall off after season after season of an early round playoff exit, but that didn’t happen at all. I also thought Baltimore due to good coaching would get back on track, but injuries never let them have a chance (they didn’t seem that great when healthy either).

AFC South

Colts: 12-4 (8-8)
Texans: 6-10 (9-7)
Titans: 5-11 (3-13)
Jaguars: 3-13 (5-11)

I don’t even know what happened to the Colts, but it’s clear the team needs to build around Andrew Luck (although they somehow won more games with Matt Hasselbeck. Weird season.). Houston basically did the same thing as last year but this time it won them the division.

AFC West

Chiefs: 11-5 (11-5)
Chargers: 11-5 (4-12)
Broncos: 10-6 (12-4)
Raiders: 6-10 (7-9)

I almost got the story right for this division. It did look like Denver’s QB woes and change in coaching philosophy was going to coast them the division, only they pulled it off in the very last game. I absolutely missed on the Chargers here.

For the record, Cam Newton should be the league MVP. If that wasn’t obvious.

Ok, Wildcard predictions! We went 9-2 last year so matching that would be an accomplishment!

Kansas City Chiefs (11-5) @ Houston Texans (9-7)

First, an odd note about all the Wildcard games this season. All the road teams are arguably better. How crazy is that?

Kansas City has been the hottest team in the league really, winning 10 straight games to get to the playoffs. They beat Houston Week 1 in Houston for whatever that’s worth. The KC defense should theoretically eat Brian Hoyer…or worse, if Hoyer goes down again Brandon Weeden…alive. Andy Reid’s known to make some playoff mistakes and usually his team (or the Chiefs historically for some reason) shouldn’t be trusted in the playoffs. But I mean, we’re one bad hit away from Brandon Weeden here!

The Texans’ best chance is that they shut down that 5-20 yard passing zone (which they do well, apparently) and J.J. Watt harasses Alex Smith all day. That’s possible! Too bad Kansas City probably only needs about 20 points to win this one.

Chiefs 20, Texans 6

Pittsburgh Steelers (10-6) @ Cinncinati Bengals (12-4)

So how much does Andy Dalton matter here? Even though the Steelers beat an A.J. McCarron-led Bengals team in Week 14, it wasn’t like McCarron was awful there or Ben Roethlisberger was all that great. And while McCarron hasn’t been amazing he’s been fine not taking chances and not turning the ball over. Did you know the Steelers defense thrives on takeaways? If McCarron plays safe and Jeremy Hill has a big game on the ground, it should be tough for Pittsburgh play well defensively. This is the style of attack I think we’ll see from the Bengals considering we’re getting a zero degree game.

Still, Big Ben could win this game with some big plays on his own. I think the weather conditions and whether or not Martavis Bryant wakes up will be the best chance for Pittsburgh. But I don’t think it’ll be enough. DeAngelo Williams going down left Pittsburgh with pure hopelessness on the ground and in those freezing games sometimes that matters. That, being on the road and Big Ben with only a 1:3 TD:INT ratio against the Bengals this year are all big enough factors that should hold back Pittsburgh.

Plus, it’s not like a questionable QB never beat the Steelers in the playoffs recently. I had to get a Tim Tebow reference in there somehow.

Bengals 20, Steelers 18

Seattle Seahawks (10-6) @ Minnesota Vikings (11-5)

Speaking of freezing games, this may rival the coldest playoff game in history or something close. And while I like Teddy Bridgewater more than most, I think he’s getting eaten alive here once Seattle slows down Adrian Peterson. Seattle, easily the hottest team in the league right now, is going to get beat by Bridgewater in -7 degree weather after they stack the box against Peterson (this is what Kam Chancellor’s for). Not going to happen.

And Seattle gets Beast Mode back.

Vikings one hope: the Rams always seem to beat Washington and did so in Week 16…and that’s like the poor man’s Vikings right?

Seahawks 21, Vikings 3

Green Bay Packers (10-6) @ Washington Redskins (9-7)

What the heck happened to the Green Bay Packers. Injuries to Jordy Nelson and Sam Shields just killed them on both sides of the ball down the stretch, eh. The Shields one matters here as this should be a shootout now.

Crazy stat: Kirk Cousins actually had just as good a season as Aaron Rodgers. 31 TD, 8 INT, 3,821 Yards, 6.7 YPA, 60% Completion for Rodgers this year. Cousins went for 29 TD, 11 INT, 4,166 Yards, 7.7 YPA, 70% Completion. How crazy is that. Of course, Rodgers did this will most of his main weapons down or falling apart. So both of these teams will score a lot this weekend, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this but I’m going to ride Cousins and the Redskins here. The Packers just looked bad the last two months. They lost to Detroit once, beat them a 2nd time because of some crazy Hail Mary, lost to the Bears and are coming off getting spanked by Arizona and losing the division to Minnesota in Green Bay. Sure, Washington hasn’t beaten anyone significant this year, but I really like how they played down the stretch to win their division and make the playoffs. It’s rare that I go with the momentum pick, but Green Bay just doesn’t look good.

Redskins 35, Packers 30


Top 100 Greatest Basketball Players Of All-Time: The Top 10

#10. Kobe Bryant



NBA MVP: 1x (’08)

NBA Finals MVP: 2x (’09, ’10)

NBA All-1st Team: 11x (’02, ’03, ’04, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ‘13)

NBA All-2nd Team: 2x (’00, ’01)

NBA All-3rd Team: 2x (’99, ’05)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 9x (’00, ’03, ’04, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ‘11)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 3x (’01, ’02, ‘12)

NBA All-Rookie 2nd Team: 1x (’97)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 4x (’02, ’07, ’09, ‘11)

NBA All-Star: 17x (’98, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14, ‘15)

NBA Points Leader: 4x (’03, ’06, ’07, ’08)

NBA Top 10 Points: 12x (’01, ’02, ’03, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ‘13)

NBA Top 10 Steals: 3x (’03, ’06, ‘08)

NBA Top 10 PER: 11x (’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ‘13)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 8x (’02, ’03, ’04, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ‘13)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 7x (’00, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’06, ’08, ’09)

NBA Career Points: 3rd

NBA Career Assists: 29th

NBA Career Steals: 14th

NBA Career Win Shares: 15th

Best Player on Two Champions: ’09 Lakers, ’10 Lakers

2nd Best Player on Three Champions: ’00 Lakers, ’01 Lakers, ’02 Lakers

Best Player on Two Runner-Ups: ’04 Lakers, ’08 Lakers

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 8th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 10th

I probably don’t have to argue that Kobe Bryant is a top 10 player in basketball history, but I probably do I have to defend my stance that he’s not in the top 5. So while it isn’t my intention to write a negative Kobe Bryant piece…there’s a chance it’ll come off that way.

First, let’s go over the arguments of why Bryant is in the top 10 and why he should receive some recognition for even being ranked higher.

First, he has five rings. Many will say that he was at least even with Shaq for those first three rings (which isn’t true, although it’s arguable for 2002). Of course the five rings (and two other Finals appearances) is great, but it can’t be forgotten that Bryant wasn’t even All-NBA 1st team for two of them.

The 81 point game. It’s obviously quite impressive. He arguably could have done this twice too with his 62 point game no one remembers against Dallas (a much tougher opponent than the terrible Raptors team he scored the 81 against) where he only played 32 minutes, sitting out the entire 4th. Of course, when you were allowed to shoot as much as Kobe could in 2006 (2 assists in the 81 point game, 0 in the 62 point game) an explosion like that was definitely on the table.

He took Smush Parker to the playoffs! Yes, the ’06 and ’07 Lakers were pretty awful and Kobe getting them to the playoffs is a hell of an achievement. We’ll get to that.

Ok, so why isn’t Kobe higher than 10?

He arguably was never the best player in the league for one. He wasn’t even the correct choice for MVP when he won it in 2008 (Chris Paul was). You can argue that he correctly was never the MVP of the league (although, I think I’d give it to him in 2006). Every other player on this list, with perhaps the exception of one, clearly was the best player in the league at one point. Amazingly, for a big time scorer, Bryant was never super efficient, failing to crack 47% shooting for a season even once in his career. His advanced metrics are slightly disappointing.

Secondly, Kobe Bryant was given everything to succeed. He began his career with arguably the greatest low post presence in NBA history. After that he got Phil Jackson as his Head Coach. After pissing off both Shaq and Jackson (read Jackson’s book “The Last Season”. It’s shocking Kobe and Phil got back together after that), he went through a tough season and got Jackson back. When he couldn’t get out of Round 1, he was gifted not only a budding Andrew Bynum, but Pau Gasol for basically free. Has another other big name superstar received so much help in his career? It should be pointed out that without elite help, Kobe could never get past Round 1. He had a chance to in 2006 against the Suns up 3-1. The Lakers lost 4-3.

Twice early on when everyone thought Kobe and Shaq were equals, Kobe had a chance to lead the Lakers but failed. The first time was in the 2002 season, where Kobe led Laker teams were 5-8 while Shaq was out. The 2nd time was the 2004-2005 season. Despite hand checking being outlawed and the league moving to a perimeter based game, Kobe suffered without Shaq and Jackson, and failed to enter the group of players that guaranteed you a playoff berth when healthy and in their peak.

Lastly, Kobe Bryant’s “clutchness” is slightly overblown. He actually didn’t have a great shooting percentage late in 4th quarters and absolutely bombed and was saved in the biggest game of his career (Game 7 vs. the Celtics in 2010, Bryant shot 6 for 24, but the Lakers came back with Kobe on the bench). I would probably say he was very good, but not great, when it mattered.

Kobe will historically never be treated fairly. Everyone wanted him to be the next Michael Jordan and while he clearly never was that…he still was great overall and his accomplishments can’t be denied.

#9. Hakeem Olajuwon



NBA MVP: 1x (’94)

NBA Finals MVP: 2x (’94, ‘95)

NBA All-1st Team: 6x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’93, ’94, ‘97)

NBA All-2nd Team: 3x (’86, ’90, ‘96)

NBA All-3rd Team: 2x (’95, ‘99)

NBA Defensive Player of the Year: 2x (’93, ’94)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 5x (’87, ’88, ’90, ’93, ‘94)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 4x (’85, ’91, ’96, ‘97)

NBA All-Rookie 1st Team: 1x (’85)

NBA All-Star: 12x (’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’92, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97)

NBA Rebounds Leader: 2x (’89, ‘90)

NBA Blocks Leader: 2x (’90, ’93)

NBA Defensive Rating Leader: 5x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91)

NBA Top 10 Points: 8x (’88, ’89, ’90, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ‘97)

NBA Top 10 Rebounds: 10x (’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’94)

NBA Top 10 Steals: 2x (’89, ’90)

NBA Top 10 Blocks: 14x (’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97, ‘99)

NBA Top 10 PER: 13x (’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97, ‘99)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 5x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’93, ‘94)

NBA Top 10 Defensive Win Shares: 13x (’85, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97, ’99)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 5x (’86, ’87, ’89, ’93, ‘94)

NBA Career Points: 10th

NBA Career Blocks: 1st

NBA Career Steals: 8th

NBA Career Rebounds: 13th

NBA Career Win Shares: 15th

NBA Career Defensive Win Shares: 4th

NBA Career Win Shares: 18th

NBA Career WS/48: 44th

Best Player on Two Champions: ’94 Rockets, ’95 Rockets

Best Player on One Runner-Up: ’86 Rockets

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 11th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 13th

Hakeem Olajuwon gets the nod over Kobe for one big reason: there’s a two year stretch where without a shadow of a doubt Hakeem was the best player in the league. After having a huge 1993 and bringing the Rockets back to relevancy, Hakeem followed up with a great 1994 and filled the void left by the retirement of Michael Jordan. Hakeem had a 27-13-4-4 season, leading the Rockets to 58 wins despite not having a real 2nd guy (Kenny Smith? Otis Thorpe?). The Rockets ripped through the playoffs, only going the distance against Charles Barkley’s Suns in seven games. In the Finals against a superior Knicks team, Olajuwon owned Patrick Ewing and the Rockets came back down 3-2. Hakeem in Game 6? A 30-10-4. In Game 7? A 25-10-7-3. While the Rockets struggled record wise in 1995, Hakeem again led them throughout the playoffs. After getting through Malone’s Jazz and Barkley’s Suns, Hakeem went against 1995 MVP David Robinson and showed him who the real MVP was. Go on youtube and see for yourself, the video is titled Hakeem dominates Robinson. Hakeem would go on to average a 33-12-6 in the Finals against Shaquille O’Neal, and Shaq has gone on record about just how great Hakeem was.

If that doesn’t convince you, Hakeem was always great anyway. He came into the league and immediately led the Rockets to the playoffs. In his 2nd year he was good enough to lead the Rockets to the Finals with Ralph Sampson and came within two games of upsetting the 1986 Celtics. The Rockets around him imploded basically making Hakeem an earlier version of Kevin Garnett, leading bad teams to the playoffs every year. The best example of Hakeem’s no help? In the 1988 Playoffs, Hakeem averaged 38-17-2-3 including a 41-26 game, yet the Rockets still lost in four. Maybe that shouldn’t have surprised anyone since the season before in Game 6 against Seattle he put up a 49-25 in a losing effort.

Hakeem is the greatest defensive center of the modern era. He beat all of his rivals (Ewing, Robinson and Shaq) in big moments in a two year span and left no question about who the best player in the NBA was when Jordan was gone. And speaking of Jordan, well, one city that doesn’t seem to care that they drafted someone else ahead of Jordan is Houston. That’s how great Hakeem is.

#8. Shaquille O’Neal



NBA MVP: 1x (’00)

NBA Finals MVP: 3x (’00, ’01, ‘02)

NBA All-1st Team: 8x (’98, ’00, 01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ‘06)

NBA All-2nd Team: 1x (‘95)

NBA All-3rd Team: 4x (’94, ’96, ’97, ‘09)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 3x (’00, ’01, ‘03)

NBA Rookie of the Year: 1x (’93)

NBA Rookie All-1st Team: 1x (’93)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 3x (’00, ’04, ’09)

NBA All-Star: 15x (’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97, ’98, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ‘09)

NBA Points Leader: 3x (’95, ’99, ’00)

NBA FG% Leader: 10x (’94, ’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’09)

NBA PER Leader: 5x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 2x (’00, ’01)

NBA WS/48 Leader: 2x (’00, ’02)

NBA Defensive Rating Leader: 1x (‘00)

NBA Top 10 Points: 9x (’93, ’94, ’95, ’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ‘03)

NBA Top 10 Rebounds: 8x (’93, ’94, ’95, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’03, ‘05)

NBA Top 10 Blocks: 8x (’93, ’94, ’95, ’00, ’01, ’03, ’04, ‘05)

NBA Top 10 PER: 14x (’93, ’94, ’95, ’96, ’97, ’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ‘06)

NBA Top 6 Win Shares: 7x (’94, ’95, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03)

NBA Top 6 WS/48: 8x (’94, ’95, ’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’05)

NBA Career Points: 7th

NBA Career Blocks: 8th

NBA Career Rebounds: 14th

NBA Career Win Shares: 15th

NBA Career Defensive Win Shares: 4th

NBA Career Win Shares: 11th

NBA Career WS/48: 15th

Best Player on Three Champions: ’00 Lakers, ’01 Lakers, ’02 Lakers

2nd Best Player on One Champion: ’06 Heat

Best Player on One Runner-up: ’95 Magic

2nd Best Player on One Runner-up: ’04 Lakers

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 12th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 4th

Shaquille O’Neal could have been #1 on this list. There are two trains of thought of why he never reached those heights. The first is that he never really took basketball as seriously as he could have except for 2000. For a while I agreed with this, reading stories about Shaq not being in shape and several players over the years complaining about that. But once I read Shaq’s book and he wrote about how his body needed to recover more than others due to the pounding he took, I changed the course on my opinion about Shaq’s effort. His body was unique and in a lot of ways its incredible he didn’t break down like Yao or others that were bigger than the standard (well he did at the end). So I tend to agree with the 2nd course, that if Shaq went all out his body would have fallen apart, and he maximized the strengths his body gave him.

And maximized he did. Shaq dominated the NBA for most of his career and especially in the early 2000s. He was taken for granted, with fans complaining he was only good because of his power and not talent (which was ridiculous). Didn’t matter to Shaq. Once Phil Jackson came into play Shaq was able to channel his focus and energy and basically kicked the NBA’s ass; absolutely dominating in 2000. He probably should have been the 2001 MVP as well (and 2005) and destroyed Dikembe Mutombo in the 2001 Finals.

The Lakers would eventually choose Kobe over Shaq, and Shaq made them pay by winning a title in 2006 (and possibly would have in 2005 had Wade not went down in the Conference Finals). Shaq still had some solid years left at the end of his career too, playing decently in 2009 and becoming a great role player in 2011.

While Tim Duncan held the “best player alive” title for perhaps one season in 1999 post-MJ, Shaq owned it through 2002. During those early 2000s years no could go toe to toe with Shaq. Not Mutombo, not Duncan, not anyone.

#7. Larry Bird



NBA MVP: 3x (’84, ’85, ‘86)

NBA Finals MVP: 2x (’84, ‘86)

NBA All-1st Team: 9x (’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ‘88)

NBA All-2nd Team: 1x (‘90)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 3x (’82, ’83, ‘84)

NBA Rookie of the Year: 1x (’80)

NBA Rookie All-1st Team: 1x (’80)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 1x (‘82)

NBA All-Star: 12x (’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’90, ’91, ‘92)

NBA FT% Leader: 4x (’84, ’86, ’87, ’90)

NBA PER Leader: 2x (’85, ‘86)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 2x (’85, ‘86)

NBA WS/48 Leader: 2x (’85, ‘86)

NBA Defensive Win Share Leader: 4x (’80, ’81, ’84, ’86)

NBA Top 10 Points: 6x (’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ‘88)

NBA Top 10 Rebounds: 7x (’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’84, ‘85)

NBA Top 10 Steals: 3x (’81, ’84, ‘86)

NBA Top 10 PER: 7x (’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 9x (’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ‘88)

NBA Top 6 WS/48: 7x (’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ‘88)

NBA Career Points: 31st

NBA Career Rebounds: 50th

NBA Career Win Shares: 23rd

NBA Career WS/48: 20th

Best Player on Three Champions: ’81 Celtics, ’84 Celtics, ’86 Celtics

Best Player on Two Runner-ups: ’85 Celtics, ’87 Celtics

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 5th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 9th

The moment Larry Legend stepped onto the court he was the best player in the NBA. Boston, during a rare slump, had missed the playoffs two straight seasons and came off a 29-53 year. Bird showed up, and here are your win totals for his first nine seasons: 61, 62, 63, 56, 62, 63, 67, 59 and 57. With Magic, he’s credited with saving the NBA. And how did he do it? Be being great. By being a winner and creating and being a big reason each and every NBA season was compelling. He had a competitive streak that only guys like Jordan and Russell matched. For the stat counters he’s arguably the reason Fantasy Basketball was created (PTS+AST+REB, the Larry Bird League).

We also loved how Bird played. At times he would run around to the opposing team’s bench just to hit a three pointer in their face. He once asked an opposing crowd to get louder when shooting a free throw. He walked into the inaugural three point contest and asked “who’s coming in second?” then of course, won the contest. He led teams that ripped through the two best young players in the league in Jordan and Olajuwon.  If it weren’t for Magic and the Lakers, the Celtics might have just won four straight titles.

As for dominance, look at his 1985 season: 28.7 PPG, 10.5 RPG, 6.6 APG, 1.6 SPG, 52-43-88%s. And it wasn’t like the other seasons were much worse. Even after his back betrayed him, he had a great 1990 and put up solid efforts in 1991 and 1992.

He’s 7th only because of that. If Bird had started earlier or had been able to extend his career, perhaps he could be in the Top 5, but the six players ahead of him were just so dominant at certain points I just can’t put Bird ahead.

#6. LeBron James



NBA MVP: 4x (’09, ’10, ’12, ‘13)

NBA Finals MVP: 2x (’12, ‘13)

NBA All-1st Team: 9x (’06, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14, ’15)

NBA All-2nd Team: 2x (’05, ‘07)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 5x (’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 1x (’14)

NBA Rookie of the Year: 1x (’04)

NBA Rookie All-1st Team: 1x (’04)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 2x (’06, ‘08)

NBA All-Star: 11x (’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14, ‘15)

NBA PER Leader: 6x (’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 5x (’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13)

NBA WS/48 Leader: 5x (’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13)

NBA Top 10 Points: 12x (’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14)

NBA Top 10 Assists: 7x (’05, ’06, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’13, ‘14)

NBA Top 10 Steals: 5x (’05, ’08, ’09, ’11, ‘12)

NBA Top 10 PER: 11x (’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ’14, ’15)

NBA Top 4 Win Shares: 10x (’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ‘14)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 10x (’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ‘14)

NBA Career Points: 17th

NBA Career Assists: 22nd

NBA Career Steals: 30th

NBA Career Win Shares: 10th

NBA Career WS/48: 6th

Best Player on Two Champions: ’12 Heat, ’13 Heat

Best Player on Four Runner-ups: ’07 Cavs, ’11 Heat, ’14 Heat, ’15 Cavs

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 20th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 31st

Like Wilt, LeBron gets criticized for the times he falls short way more than he should be, and his successes aren’t given enough credit. Let’s look at those criticisms and tear (most of) them apart.

He’s 2-4 in the NBA Finals.

Only one of these losses go against LeBron, which is the 2011 Finals where he failed to assert himself in a very winnable series. Other than that, you can’t really blame him. He ripped apart the ’07 Pistons and that Cavs team (absolutely awful without LeBron) stood no chance against the ’07 Spurs. In 2014 the Heat weren’t as strong as the year before as they battled injures (especially to Dwyane Wade) and Kwahi Leonard stepped up and became a superstar. Remember, people thought the 2013 Spurs were the best team in NBA history to not win the NBA title. In 2015 the Warriors from top to bottom were so much better than the Cavs it might have been the biggest mismatch in NBA history once Kyrie Irving went down. LeBron still got it to six games. Has anyone gotten to the Finals with less talent than LeBron on his team?

He’s not clutch.

Yeah, he is. Once again everyone like to point out the failures (like him missing the potential game winning shot in Game 6 of the 2013 Finals) and totally ignore the successes (the 48 Special against Detroit in 2007, the shot vs. Orlando in 2009 and the shot against Chicago in 2015). He has a high FG% late in games, much higher than someone like Kobe.

He gave up on Cleveland.

This was admittedly pretty bad. The 2010 Eastern Conference Semi-Finals was quite embarrassing for LeBron, and we still don’t know what was going on there. But it’s not as if other great players didn’t let their teams down late either. The only ones who escape this really are Jordan, Russell, Duncan and Bird.

The East has been weak throughout LeBron’s career.

It was in Jordan’s too. And it wasn’t like they were all bad teams. Those early Wizards teams had talent (Gilbert, Butler and Jamison), Detroit had won a NBA title and nearly won a 2nd one, and Chicago was no slouch in 2011 or 2015. Plus he averaged a triple double against the 60 win Hawks last year.

So let’s look at the positives.

He has some of the most clutch games ever.

He has the highest Game 7 scoring average in NBA history. His Game 5 against Detroit in the Conference Finals (the 48 special) gave him no ceiling whatsoever as a player (48-9-7, scored 25 of the last 26 Cleveland points). In perhaps the most important game of his career (up to that point), down 3-2 in the Eastern Conference Finals to Boston with no titles yet to his name, in Boston, he went for a 45-15 on 19/26 shooting, ending Boston’s last shot at a title. He clinched the title with a 26-13. He followed that up in the 2013 NBA Finals, once again down 3-2, with two spectacular games: a 32-10-11 and a 37-12 in the clincher. And in losing, he averaged a 36-13-9 in the 2015 NBA Finals (admittedly did shoot poorly).

He has some of the best Advanced Metrics ever.

In the modern era, he has the best WS/48 season ever (better than Jordan) and four of the top 11 overall. He’s already 10th on the career win shares list. He had a staggering .399 WS/48 in the ’09 playoffs.

He was undoubtedly the best player in the NBA for six straight years.

Sorry Kobe fans, but give LeBron Pau Gasol in ’09 or ’10 and he’s winning the title too. ’11 Derrick Rose won the MVP and got owned by LeBron in the Conference Finals. ’12 and ’13 are obvious. ’14 Durant might have won the MVP, but it was unclear how effective he was without Westbrook.

LeBron still has a shot at the top 3 (even #1, unlikely as that is). I expect Cleveland to be in the Finals again in ’16 too.

#5. Tim Duncan



NBA MVP: 2x (’02, ‘03)

NBA Finals MVP: 3x (’99, ’03, ‘05)

NBA All-1st Team: 10x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’07, ‘13)

NBA All-2nd Team: 3x (’06, ’08, ‘09)

NBA All-3rd Team: 1x (’15)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 8x (’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’05, ’07, ‘08)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 7x (’98, ’04, ’06, ’09, ’10, ’13, ‘15)

NBA Rookie of the Year: 1x (’98)

NBA Rookie All-1st Team: 1x (’98)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 1x (‘00)

NBA All-Star: 15x (’98, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’12, ’13, ‘15)

NBA Rebounds Leader: 1x (’02)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 2x (’02, ’03)

NBA Defensive Rating Leader: 4x (’05, ’06, ’07, ’13)

NBA Offensive Win Shares Leader: 1x (’02)

NBA Defensive Win Shares Leader: 5x (’98, ’99, ’01, ’06, ’07)

NBA Top 10 Points: 4x (’98, ’99, ’02, ’03)

NBA Top 8 Rebounds: 12x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10)

NBA Top 10 Blocks: 15x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’06, ’07, ’08, ’11, ’13, ’14, ‘15)

NBA Top 10 PER: 13x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ‘13)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 9x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03 ,’04, ’07, ‘10)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 13x (’98, ’99, ’00, ’01, ’02, ’03, ’04, ’05, ’07, ’08, ’09, ’10, ‘15)

NBA Career Points: 14th

NBA Career Rebounds: 7th

NBA Career Blocks: 5th

NBA Career Win Shares: 6th

NBA Career WS/48: 13th

Career Defensive Rating: 2nd

Best Player on Five Champions: ’99 Spurs, ’03 Spurs, ’05 Spurs, ’07 Spurs, ’14 Spurs

Best Player on One Runner-up: ’13 Spurs

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 7th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 8th

Without a doubt the most consistent superstar ever. I don’t think I have to defend Duncan’s high ranking, but I probably have to defend putting him above Kobe Bryant. The fact of the matter is Duncan got two advantages in his career, and one didn’t really pan out until 2005ish. He was lucky to end up in a great system with Gregg Popovich and Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili very good 2nd and 3rd options (but not great). Unlike Kobe, Duncan came into the league and was immediately great (NBA All-1st Team his Rookie Year!), and in year 2 he became the face of the Spurs over David Robinson.  He temporarily grabbed the “Best Player Alive” Championship in only his 2nd year, winning the 1999 Championship and holding off Shaq. Even in Shaq’s three year era of dominance, Duncan (rightfully) took a MVP and took back the Best Player Alive title. His dominant 2003 season is one of the best ever in regards to carrying a team. He wins MVP, gets San Antonio by the Lakers with little help (roster that year, a 19 year old Parker, Stephen Jackson, Bruce Bowen, a washed up Robinson and Manu, who was still a low minute bench guy).

Still, he spanked the Lakers in the 2nd Round (games of 28-7-8, 28-11, 36-9, 27-14 and 37-16 in the clincher in LA no less). With the Spurs falling apart around him, he carried them in the 2003 NBA Finals with one of the best Finals performances ever (the Spurs had used Speedy Claxton at some points because Parker wasn’t playing well…Speedy Claxton!) Here’s Duncan’s 2003 NBA Finals: A 32-20-6-7Blk in Game 1, a 21-16-7 in Game 3, a 23-17-7Blk in Game 4, a 29-17 in Game 5 and a 21-20-10-8blk in the clincher (that’s right, a near quadruple double no one talks about today for some reason).

He hit a clutch shot right before Fisher’s miracle .4 seconds shot that no one remembers because of Fisher. He won the ’05 title, dealing with Ben and Rasheed Wallace in the Finals. In 2007 with the league changing to favor offense, Duncan’s defense shut down any teams that had a slasher (like LeBron in the ’07 Finals). Continually was one of the best players in the league through 2015, saving himself for the playoffs and taking less money to let the Spurs build their roster (he averaged a 15-10 with 58% shooting in the ’14 Finals win). Even in a loss, he played great in his last playoff series as well, averaging a 18-11 in the Round 1 exit last year against the Clippers (who had DeAndre Jordan and Blake Griffin in the middle). That included a 27-11 in the Game 7 loss. In Duncan’s entire run in the NBA, he never played for a team that won less than 50 games (’99 lockout season they won 37, but the winning % was higher than a 50 win season).

Today Duncan’s taken a smaller role than ever, but I wouldn’t rule him out for having a big playoffs. It may be Leonard’s team now, but I think everyone knows who the top guy is in the Spurs locker room.

#4. Magic Johnson

ORLANDO- FEBRUARY 9: Magic Johnson #32 of the Western Conference All-Stars holds the MVP trophy following the 1992 NBA All Star Game on February 9, 1992 at the Orlando Arena in Orlando, Florida. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges that, by downloading and or using this photograph, User is consenting to the terms and conditions of the Getty Images License agreement. Mandatory Copyright Notice: Copyright 1987 NBAE (Photo by Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE via Getty Images)


NBA MVP: 3x (’87, ’89, ‘90)

NBA Finals MVP: 3x (’80, ’82, ’87)

NBA All-1st Team: 9x (’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ‘91)

NBA All-2nd Team: 1x (‘82)

NBA Rookie All-1st Team: 1x (’80)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 2x (’90, ‘92)

NBA All-Star: 12x (’80, ’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ‘92)

NBA Assists Leader: 3x (’83, ’86, ‘87)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 1x (‘87)

NBA Top 10 Points: 1x (‘87)

NBA Top 10 Assists: 11x (’80, ’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ‘91)

NBA Top 10 Steals: 4x (’80, ’82, ’83, ‘84)

NBA Top 10 PER: 10x (’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ‘91)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 10x (’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ‘91)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 10x (’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ‘91)

NBA Top 10 Offensive Rating: 8x (’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’89, ’90, ’91)

NBA Career Assists: 5th

NBA Career Steals: 19th

NBA Career Win Shares: 20th

NBA Career WS/48: 8th

Career Defensive Rating: 3rd

Best Player on Two Champions: ’87 Lakers, ’88 Lakers

2nd Best Player on Three Champions: ’80 Lakers, ’82 Lakers, ’85 Lakers

Best Player on Two Runner-ups: ’89 Lakers, ’91 Lakers

2nd Best Player on Two Runner-Ups: ’83 Lakers, ’84 Lakers

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 4th

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 6th

Took the “Best Player Alive” title from Bird in 1987, only to kind of co-hold it with Jordan for the next few years until he retired. He gets the edge on Bird because he was able to peak when Bird unfortunately fell apart.

Magic was also great right away. While he didn’t make All-NBA teams right away, his performance in the 1980 Finals made him a legend as a rookie. With Kareem being out, Magic played center and had a 42-15-7. Then, we almost lost him, as Magic almost became one of those young guys given way too much too soon. Of course, LA thought it was a good idea for Magic to share point guard duties with Norm Nixon for some reason. Magic rebounded in ’82 with a near season average of a triple double. Magic would peak after Nixon was traded, but still in the 1984 Finals he had one of the most unclutch performances by a top guy in NBA history (threw ball away on a potential game winning play in Game 2, missed two clutch free throws in Game 4 and had two late turnovers to cost LA in Game 7). Still, Magic helped win the ’85 title, then took over for an aging Kareem as the alpha dog on the Lakers. After Hakeem and Sampson roughed up Kareem in 1986, Magic became the best player in the league, leading the Lakers to four more Finals appearances in the next five years, despite Kareem falling apart and retiring. In that five year span: Two Rings, Two MVPs, Four Finals appearances. We also have no idea if LA could have come back in ’89 as Magic got injured in the series.

It should be noted that when Magic joined the Lakers, LA had the following win totals: 60, 54, 57, 58, 54, 62, 62, 65, 62, 57, 63 and 58. He made the Finals nine times in 13 seasons (not counting what comeback in ’96). He took over for Kareem naturally and extended the Laker Dynasty which wouldn’t really return until Shaq and Kobe showed up. And who knows what happens in ’92 if he doesn’t get HIV.

#3. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar



NBA MVP: 6x (’71, ’72, ’74, ’76, ’77, ‘80)

NBA Finals MVP: 2x (’71, ‘85)

NBA All-1st Team: 10x (’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’76, ’77, ’80, ’81, ’84, ‘86)

NBA All-2nd Team: 4x (’70, ’78, ’79, ‘83)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 5x (’74, ’75, ’79, ’80, ’81)

NBA All-Defensive 2nd Team: 6x (’70, ’71, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’84)

NBA Rookie of the Year: 1x (’70)

NBA Rookie All-1st Team: 1x (’70)

NBA All-Star: 19x (’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’84, ’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ‘89)

NBA Points Leader: 3x (’70, ’71, ‘72)

NBA Rebounds Leader: 2x (’76, ’77)

NBA Blocks Leader: 4x (’76, ’77, ’79, ’80)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 9x (’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’76, ’77, ’79, ’80, ’81)

NBA WS/48 Leader: 9x (’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80)

NBA PER Leader: 9x (’71, ’72, ’73, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’81)

NBA Top 10 Points: 13x (’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82, ‘86)

NBA Top 10 Blocks: 12x (’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’84, ‘85)

NBA Top 10 PER: 17x (’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82, ’83,’84, ’85, ‘86)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 16x (’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’85, ‘86)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 16x (’70, ’71, ’72, ’73, ’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80, ’81, ’82, ’83, ’85, ‘86)

NBA Top 10 Offensive Rating: 5x (’78, ’80, ’81, ’83, ‘85)

NBA Top 10 Defensive Rating: 6x (’74, ’75, ’76, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80)

NBA Career Points: 1st

NBA Career Assists: 40th

NBA Career Blocks: 3rd

NBA Career Win Shares: 1st

NBA Career WS/48: 7th

NBA Career Offensive Rating: 37th

NBA Career Defensive Rating: 24th

Best Player on Four Champions: ’71 Bucks, ’80 Lakers, ’82 Lakers, ’85 Lakers

3rd Best Player on Two Champions: ’87 Lakers, ’88 Lakers

Best Player on two Runner-Ups: ’74 Bucks, ’84 Lakers

3rd Best Player on One Runner-Up: ’89 Lakers

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 3rd

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 7th

Kareem’s resume basically speaks for itself. He had an unstoppable (literally) shot with his Sky Hook and that shot became the surest two points in NBA history. He won in the early 70s all the way throughout the late 80s. His longevity is remarkable and is only matched by Duncan in terms of playing at a high level.

Bill Simmons also showed that when considering eras, opponents and minutes played, Kareem’s early 70s stats may have been on par or even better than Wilt’s in the 60s. He helped Oscar win a title and bridged the gap to helping Magic win titles.

Again, not much to say. Best statistical center ever, overall winner, he even won tons of awards too (six MVPs, and probably shoulda won a seventh!)

#2. Bill Russell



NBA MVP: 5x (’58, ’61, ’62, ’63, ‘65)

NBA All-1st Team: 3x (’59, ’63, ‘65)

NBA All-2nd Team: 8x (’58, ’60, ’61, ’62, ’64, ’66, ’67, ‘68)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 1x (‘69)

NBA All-Star: 12x (’58, ’59, ’60, ’61, ’62, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ’67, ’68, ‘69)

NBA Rebounds Leader: 4x (’58, ’59, ’64, ‘65)

NBA Defensive Win Share Leader: 11x (’58, ’59, ’60, ’61, ’62, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ’67, ‘69)

NBA Top 10 Assists: 4x (’63, ’64, ’65, ‘67)

NBA Top 10 PER: 8x (’57, ’58, ’59, ’60, ’62, ’64, ’65, ’67)

NBA Top 10 Win Shares: 11x (’58, ’59, ’60, ’61, ’62, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ’67, ’69)

NBA Top 10 WS/48: 10x (’58, ’59, ’60, ’61, ’62, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ‘67)

NBA Top 3 Defensive Win Shares: 13x (’57, ’58, ’59, ’60, ’61, ’62, ’63, ’64, ’65, ’66, ’67, ’68, ’69)

NBA Career Rebounds: 2nd

NBA Career Defensive Win Shares: 1st

NBA Career Win Shares: 17th

NBA Career WS/48: 24th

Best Player on Eleven Champions: ’57 Celtics, ’59 Celtics, ’60 Celtics, ’61 Celtics, ’62 Celtics, ’63 Celtics, ’64 Celtics, ’65 Celtics, ’66 Celtics, ’68 Celtics, ’69 Celtics

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 2nd

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 3rd

Russell single handedly modernized basketball the first time, laying waste to the career of 50s centers like Walt Bellamy. He was the most destructive force in the NBA throughout his entire career (even though it should have been Wilt). His peers respected him so much that the voted him for five MVP awards (even during the year Wilt averaged a 50-27). Russell always stepped it up in the playoffs as well, usually limiting Chamberlain when playing against him, and setting some records himself (24.9 playoff RPG, 40 rebounds in a game, 32 in a half). Russell, a lot like Duncan right now, only brought it when he needed to. If Wilt wanted to score 60 or whatever points one night and the game was virtually over, Russell would let him.

Every player from that era (other than, again, Wilt) reveres Russell, and today the Finals MVP trophy is named after him. And as we proved with earlier sections, Russell didn’t always have the most stacked team either. (It should be pointed out he coached the last two titles too).

#1. Michael Jordan



NBA MVP: 5x (’88, ’91, ’92, ’96, ’98)

NBA Finals MVP: 6x (’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ’98)

NBA All-1st Team: 10x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ‘98)

NBA All-2nd Team: 1x (‘85)

NBA Defensive Player of the Year: 1x (’88)

NBA All-Defensive 1st Team: 9x (’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ‘98)

NBA Rookie of the Year: 1x (’85)

NBA All-Rookie 1st Team: 1x (’85)

NBA All-Star Game MVP: 3x (’88, ’96, ’98)

NBA All-Star: 14x (’85, ’86, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ’98, ’02, ‘03)

NBA Points Leader: 11x (’85, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ’98)

NBA Steals Leader: 3x (’88, ’90, ’93)

NBA Win Shares Leader: 9x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97)

NBA Offensive Win Share Leader: 8x (’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97)

NBA WS/48 Leader: 8x (’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ‘97)

NBA PER Leader: 7x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93)

NBA Top 4 Steals: 9x (’85, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96)

NBA Top 10 Assists: 1x (’88)

NBA Top 4 PER: 11x (’85, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ’98)

NBA Top 2 Win Shares: 11x (’85, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ’98)

NBA Top 3 WS/48: 11x (’85, ’87, ’88, ’89, ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’97, ’98)

NBA Top 6 Defensive Win Shares: 8x (’87, ’88, ’89, ’91, ’92, ’93, ’96, ’98)

NBA Career Points: 4th

NBA Career PPG: 1st

NBA Career Assists: 42nd

NBA Career Steals: 3rd

NBA Career Win Shares: 4th

NBA Career Defensive Win Shares: 19th

NBA Career Win Shares: 17th

NBA Career WS/48: 1st

Best Player on Six Champions: ’91 Bulls, ’92 Bulls, ’93 Bulls, ’96 Bulls, ’97 Bulls, ’98 Bulls

Simmons Pyramid Ranking (2010): 1st

Slam Magazine 500 Ranking (2011): 1st

I assume I don’t really need to argue this. Let’s just close up the top 100 list with some Jordan facts/stories.

Jordan holds the record for playoff PPG as well at 33.4.

Pistons Coach Chuck Daly basically said he was so good it was an embarrassment to the league, and it was insane how hard it was to gear his entire team to stop one man.

Not only was he the best offensive player in NBA history, he was one of the best defensive players as well, even winning Defensive Player of the Year!

His destruction of the Trail Blazers and Clyde Drexler in Game 1 of the 1992 Finals stands tall as the greatest “FU” performance in NBA history.

Averaged a 41-9-6 in the 1993 Finals.

Basically won Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals by himself. (scored 45 of Chicago’s 87 points, Pippen was injured and played limited minutes, layup, steal of Karl Malone, famous game winner ending sequence).

Just to list some of his famous playoff game winners: The Shot vs. Cleveland, The Shot II against Cleveland in ’93, the ’97 Finals Shot against Utah, and of course, the famous Game 6 winner in ’98 against Utah.

There are countless other great game winners out there for Jordan. For example, looking up the “Shot II” I found a video of Jordan beating Cleveland when playing for Washington with a game winner called “The Shot III”.

Scored 63 against the ’86 Celtics in the playoffs. With all the crazy high scoring numbers from Wilt etc., this actually stands as the highest total ever.

Look, MJ’s the best ever. I wouldn’t be writing anything new here. Maybe LeBron has a 1% shot of getting here, but I don’t like his chances.