RDT Reviews Shaun the Sheep: The Movie

I can keep this one mostly spoiler free.

Shaun the Sheep the Movie is a delightful film that hits its main goal, which is to be cute and entertaining. It doesn’t hold back, looking to make the audience laugh at every opportunity and succeeding in that respect. Shaun the Sheep the Movie is a silent film and as a result the visuals tell the story. The film succeeds in this respect as well.

All of the visuals in the film really hit their marks. Each character, from the random people in the city to every animal in the farm is memorable because of how they are portrayed on screen. Every moment on screen has value. This helps the main characters as well. Each main character, from Shaun to Bitzer to even the human main characters all are represented strongly based on how they act. You understand each character’s motivations.

In what works and works against the film is that Shaun the Sheep is quite simple. There’s not much of a lesson to be learned or moral. On one hand that’s good to have a simple movie. On the other, Shaun the Sheep doesn’t have much long term value.


+Innocent and fun.

+Great visuals.

+Fun characters.

+Quite funny overall.


-Very simple film.

-Some unnecessary music tracks in what was otherwise a really good silent film.

Grade: B+